As the study abroad of a lifetime has come to an end, it's around that time when you get to look back and reflect on the last month.
This trip was something that I was very skeptical about going on all the way to the airport in Birmingham. I remember looking at my dad and saying, "This may be the one time I'm nervous to go somewhere... I know NO ONE!"
Going to a place where you have never been with people you have never met is always going to be scary. I am just very happy and blessed that this was the group I got to do it with. We went from people who didn't know each others names, to people we will be talking about for years to come.
The last week in class was really centered around the campaign. We finally got to sit down and really start cranking everything out. I won't lie, Sprinklr is no joke. It takes a little bit of time to really get to know the software, but once you do it becomes very easy. Dr. Hayes and Dr. Van Dyke were always there to help answer any of our questions. This campaign will definitely give us the leg up when we start taking the campaign classes later on in our academic careers.
One night we will never forget was the last Monday Karaoke Night. This was by far the best one we had the whole time. People were singing, swimming and drinking one last time. After that night, I can confidently say the XY Chromosomes could be the next big boy band on the block. The singing was capped off by a glorious group night swim. Which led to chants getting Dr. Hayes and Dr. Van Dyke to cannon ball into the pool fully clothed.
Thursday we got to go to Phillipsburg one last time to shop and conduct interviews for the campaign. The boys went to the Yoda Guy Museum which is run by one of the original designers of Yoda. We got to interview him for 6 minutes, which was a very fruitful conversation. He broke down every type of cruise ship that comes in, and what kind of tourists each one holds.

After class on Friday we got to do a sunset dinner catamaran trip around the island. This was a really good way to cap off an amazing trip. It was one last time that the whole group, including the teachers, could have some fun together. The music, the rum punch, the food, the people, and the sunset just made for an awesome night.
The weekend was nothing short of fun. Some people lost money in the casino, but I can proudly say my roulette skills helped me stay in the green. The boys got to share a nice cuban cigar with Dr. Hayes and got to reminisce on our time on the island together. I look forward to seeing everyone back in Tuscaloosa, and going on some reunion dinners. If anyone reading this is thinking about going next year.... GO!

Onward and Upward,
Mac Holman