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Started as Strangers, Left as a Family


Well here it goes, what everyone was dreading…the last blog post. I can’t believe that my time in Sint Maarten has come to an end, but I am so grateful for all of the experiences, friendships, and memories that I have gained that will last me a lifetime. I can say without a doubt that I came out of this experience a better person just by being surrounded by so many amazing people. Even though we all go to the same school, unlike other abroad programs, saying goodbye was still so hard and very tearful.

Our final week was fun-filled but also work-filled. As we really started to get into our final project, I realized so much. I wondered why we would wait until the last week to start our public relations and social media plan, but then it hit me. Without taking in our surroundings, going on excursions, talking and interacting with locals, learning about the culture, and simply having our own adventures, there is no way we could have possibly created an amazing public relations and social media plan.

On Thursday, we headed back to Philipsburg one last time. Since there were two cruise ships docked it was a perfect opportunity for my group, “The Crimson Caribbsters”, and I to finish off our interviews. Once we completed those, we went off to visit Juggies Place one last time and then finish some souvenir shopping. I also finished some shopping in Maho where I met the sweetest taxi driver. He went on and on about how Americans are the best tourists, “they try to meet us in the middle and are friendly like us,” he said. “The French not so much. Americans even drive like us, French don't care.” I found this to be a little humorous because I don't think I would ever want to drive in Sint Maarten.

Our final excursion, the Tango Caribbean dinner cruise, was the most perfect way to not only say “see you soon” to the amazing friends we have all become but to the island and all it has to offer. We truly did become a family in the span of a month, not even a month but the first day we arrived. After a couple of students arrived late due to a flight cancellation, I will always remember at our first dinner Mac said to me, “I feel like everyone is best friends already” and I said back “because we are!” It was so amazing how fast we all clicked together. I couldn’t have asked to be surrounded by a better group of people and am so jealous of the groups to come after us. Maybe I'll sneak onto the next trip!

Some of the girls and I decided to spend the night together on the beach eating Mama's pizza, a trip favorite. As we ate our pizzas, we watched the sunset and listened to the MAMA MIA soundtrack. A picture-perfect moment for a picture-perfect trip!

A huge shout out to Dr. Hayes and Dr. VanDyke for putting this whole program together. Without you guys, I would have missed out on this opportunity that has hands down made my college experience a million times better. I will be looking back at all of my pictures and videos probably for the rest of my life. That may sound cliché, but I am 100% serious.

To any students after me, if you see this post and are thinking about going, stop thinking and DO IT! I promise you won't regret it.

With so much love and appreciation,

Sierra Sohn



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About UA in the Caribbean

Led by University of Alabama Advertising + Public Relations faculty, student travel to the Caribbean to explore advertising and PR in a new culture and marketing environment. 


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