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The Final Farewell


When my best friend Kate first mentioned to me that there was an information meeting for a Caribbean study abroad trip, I only went as a supporting friend and wasn't even thinking about going. I remember on our walk home from Reese Phifer, we asked each other what we thought. We were talking about random scenarios of what the trip could be like and thinking of it as something that would be cool to look further into. We decided to go spur of the moment and I think that was the best decision I've ever made.

This was an incredibly hard week knowing that we would all have to depart the next Sunday. Many tears were shed (mostly by MK) and I think some of the best moments and memories were made. I look back at this experience exceeding my highest expectations. I went into this with only knowing Kate and had no idea what would be in store for us. I could have never imagined that this group of people would mesh together so incredibly well, and these will be relationships that I cherish for a lifetime. It is so crazy to think that the first day, I didn't even know what anyone's name was. We have all been through so much as a group and had such a unique experience that I think will give us all a very special bond that will last a lifetime.

Sitting at home, I almost don't know what to do with myself after spending every waking moment with these people, then going back to my quiet hometown. Definitely having a severe case of PCD (Post Caribbean Depression). I think of all the memories we've made over the past month: Our first welcome dinner getting to know everyone for the first time, going horseback riding while watching the sun set over the ocean, all 16 of us (Plus Dr. Hayes and VanDyke) jumping in the pool fully clothed after the last karaoke night at the hotel, and going night swimming in the ocean after dinner on our last night.

I thank UA in the Caribbean for giving me the most positive academic experience I have had so far during my time at the University of Alabama. Being able to explore a new culture in ways that related to the content in our class created a whole other level of understanding for me. I found that both classes were extremely beneficial and will give me a leg up when going into my next classes, especially campaigns. Getting to build a real relationship with my professors was something that I've never been able to really have in college thus far and really made me more confident in my major and I was able to receive guidance that made me comfortable in knowing this is what I want to do with my life.

This month has been full of incredible firsts. We danced, we laughed, we sang, and we cried. I can't express how incredibly grateful I feel to have been given the opportunity to go to the Island of St. Maarten with 15 of my now best friends living island life for an entire month. I cannot wait to see all of these people again in Tuscaloosa fall semester and see what the next chapter has in store for us :)

A huge thank you to Dr. Hayes and Dr. VanDyke, as well as UA for this life changing experience.

Till next time...

Rhianna Enright



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About UA in the Caribbean

Led by University of Alabama Advertising + Public Relations faculty, student travel to the Caribbean to explore advertising and PR in a new culture and marketing environment. 


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