A sporadic trip to the Caribbean becomes one of the most exciting months of my life. When signing up for this trip, I was nervous but excited to experience studying abroad for the first time, and all I can say is the trip lived up to every expectation I had and then some. The group dynamic between all the students had to be something special, and I do not know if you could have four guys from entirely different backgrounds and get along so well. Mac, Amari, and Skylar are hopefully friends I'll have for a lifetime based on the experiences we shared on the trip ranging from the excursions we went on with the professors, class time, and the nightlife experiences we shared on the island.
At the beginning of the trip, I was naturally nervous about the group because you never know how well you will end up meshing with a random group of strangers, but I can say everyone on the trip started as strangers but now have become close friends. EB and Kate sang karaoke on the bus while Andre drove us around the island, going out and sharing new experiences, karaoke nights with Veronique and Kendall's birthday were just some of the random experiences we shared as a group; hopefully, everyone decides to keep the group together and spend time together in Tuscaloosa because of how well everyone got along. Nightlife on the friendly island was always an experience from Moonbar, and back there was always something to do, and we always felt safe on the island.
The relationship between the professor and the students was also special, from them setting up everything from the excursions, keeping class interesting, taking the group for meals, and providing any of us with connections and opportunities with anything we would ask. I could not have asked for better professors on the trip, from them taking the time to ask what we planned on doing with our public relations degrees and then providing us with options and connections on who to speak with when we got back to UA, I can not explain how much I value the options they laid out for the whole group.
The trip had to come to an end eventually, but it still seemed bitter-sweet for the time to go by so fast. A month seemed like a while, but with everything we did as a group and class time, I guess it had to go by fast. I know UA is planning on doing this trip next year, and I hope it lives up for the next group that decides to visit the friendly island because I can truly say we all had a blast; for the next group of students, I hope you all try to live up to the greatest group of students to study abroad, I know you will have a hard time matching this groups energy and dynamic. Some things I would recommend for the next group would be definitely going to Elevate and Rhino Safari; those two were my favorite activities on the island, and I think anyone that comes to the island should experience them, and on that note, that is a wrap on one of my greatest life experiences.
Rajan Paul
